Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 2014 Issue of 

The Scribblers Newsletter

Welcome to the August issue of The Scribblers.  In this issue we have new writing prompts, a story by John Matthews and part five of the story "Sisters" by Jamie Baker.  Also a look at one of the top 10 classic American authors and a New Writer contest.

August Writing Prompts

Each month we try to provide prompts for you to use. Pick one or more and write 500 to 1,000 words using the prompt/s as the basis of your story.  Above all, have fun with it.

1.  Jim drove the old back road with only one headlight lighting his way.   Just as he made the turn into the lane leading to his house, he heard a thud and felt a bump.  He had hit something.  Or someone.

2.  The wind rattled the windows and shutters.  Lucy heard a loud crack followed by a crashing sound against her roof and footsteps on her stairway.

Sisters part 5
by Jamie Baker

After the Christmas holidays, my life suddenly got a lot better.  My brothers started going to the Boys club after school and Mom got a waitressing job at Sizzlers.  While the boys did all their yelling and screaming at the Boys club, I had the apartment to myself.   Mom left notes for me almost every day, chores she wanted done and instructions for simple dinners.   Dad picked up the boys up on his way home from work and helped me make dinner.  After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and then I could do whatever I wanted until10:30.   That was when Mom usually got home.

One night, down at the Marci and Ginger’s apartment, Roy Brown was there and another guy everyone called Cartwheel.    Marci said she needed to go grocery shopping, so we all went down to the Safeway. 
Walking across the parking lot to the store entrance, we stopped to get a cart. 

“I feel like having a steak.” Roy said, yanking a cart out of the cart corral.  “I think I’ll get one.  Maybe a nice porterhouse.  Anybody else want steak for dinner?”

Cartwheel put his arm on Marci’s arm, “Get your own cart, Marci,” he said and pulled a second cart out of the line.

“Carol,” Ginger said, hanging back with the Marci and Cartwheel, “stay with us.”

Rolling up and down the aisles, the four of us goofed around, laughing and being a little rowdy.  Marci left a package on sanitary napkins in the bread section.   I didn’t see Roy Brown again until we got to the meat section.
Cartwheel was holding up a package of foot long hot dogs and waving it at Marci.  Roy was at the other end of the meat case.  His cart was almost empty.  He picked up a wrapped steak, checked the label.  He glanced down the length of the case, saw me and winked.  He put the package back in the freezer, picked up another one and shoved it down the front of his pants, where it was hidden by his flannel shirt.   An involuntary bark of laugh chirped out of me.  I was both shocked and thrilled.
“Let’s keep moving, chicks,” Cartwheel said.

A few minutes later, with Cartwheel pushing Marci’s half-full cart, we made our way towards the checkout counters.  Roy Brown was already there, in line behind a stooped old man who was carefully placing each of his items on the conveyor belt.  Cartwheel went to another register, getting in line behind a couple with two little kids.  The conveyor belt was crowded with disposable diapers and boxes of breakfast cereal.
We were still in line when Roy Brown sauntered to the exit, his near empty bag swinging from his hand.  A beefy guy in a sports jacket stepped up to him, gesturing towards the back of the store.  I could hear his voice, a low buzz, but I couldn’t make out the words.  Roy glanced towards the exit but the man stepped in front of him.  Roy’s face got red and then he walked towards the back of the story, the beefy guy on his heels.   I turned back to the others.  Cartwheel looked at me and shook his head slightly.  We stayed quiet until we were back outside in the parking lot.

“Will they bust him?  Do you think they’ll call the cops?” Ginger asked.

“I’d be surprised if they didn’t,” Cartwheel said, “Fucking Roy Brown.  Always thinks he can break the rules and get away with it.”

“He wasn’t always like that.  Not when we were in school.”

“You went to school with him?” I asked Marci. “I thought he was from Reno.”

“His Dad’s lives in Reno, he’s a pit boss there.  Mostly, Roy grew up here, lived with his mom and his grandparents, over on Seven Hills Road.    We went to the school together.  Third grade right through high school.” Marci answered.

“Yeah, he was a little runt and a crybaby.  Couldn’t play any sports for shit.  Then in high school, he got a weed connection and suddenly he was all cool.”

“Kind of a late bloomer, huh?” Ginger laughed
“Yeah, but I think he’s gonna peak early.” Cartwheel said.  

Glimmer Train New Writer Award

Upcoming deadline:  8/31/14

New Writers, go here

1st place $1,500 & publication in Issue 95. Deadline: 8/31.

Note: New writers are especially welcome at GT, but the Short Story Award for New Writers is the contest that is open only to emerging writers. 

The 1st place winner in the last New Writer contest was that author's very first story accepted for publication.

Second- and 3rd-place winners receive $500/$300, respectively, or, if accepted for publication, $700. 

Winners and finalists will be announced in the November bulletin, and finalists will be contacted directly the previous week.

Most submissions run 1,500 - 6,000 words, but can be as long as 12,000. 

Reading fee is $15 per story. Please, no more than 3 submissions per category. 

    Your Call is Important to Us

 by John Matthews
     Jason Sweigart  cupped his hands around his eyes to peer into the window of the F-150 pickup.  A cellphone lay on the passenger seat.  A cellphone or an IPhone or an IPad or a SmartPhone.  Jason wasn’t sure what it was called, but he recognized it right away.  Its plastic case bore vivid black, orange, and white tiger stripes.  He had seen it often on the bar at the Rockhill Tavern  in Conestoga, at the stool where Janelle Wilson sat.  He didn’t recognize the pickup, but there was no doubt it was Janelle’s phone on the seat.

     Of course, he thought. It must be Hank Stauffer’s truck.  And she wasn’t Janelle Wilson anymore. She was now Janelle Stauffer.

     He stepped back from the truck and looked around.  The truck was parked near a trailhead at Susquehannock State Park.  The trail snaked down a steep bank toward the Susquehanna River.  The trail  had been overgrown with brush until recently when the discovery of eagle nests had started to attract more visitors to the park.   Now the path was open and well worn.    But there was nobody around today.  No sign of Janelle or Hank.   

     For some reason, any time Jason was close to a vehicle, his hand tended to drift to a door handle.   The door was unlocked and almost seemed to open by itself.  Reasons for his actions seemed  to form in Jason’s mind almost every time he moved.  It was a habit he had developed because he often found himself needing to make excuses for actions that others found odd.

     Just doing my job, he thought.  I’m a Park Ranger.  I’m supposed to look out for the safety of park users and their belongings. 
     Technically, Jason wasn’t a Park Ranger.  But he felt no guilt in calling himself one.  He was employed as a custodial worker at a park complex, a group of three parks in the Lancaster/York area overseen by one manager.  The personnel staffing plan for the complex also included one Park Ranger.  The Ranger job had been vacant for a while due to budget shortages.   Jason had been instructed to perform some of the duties usually assigned to the Ranger.  Monitoring park usage, answering questions of park users, checking locks on buildings and gates.   He did not have the law enforcement authority of a Ranger.  He could not issue citations or make arrests.  The Park Manager did not consider him a Ranger, just a custodial worker assigned some additional work that custodial workers in other parks often performed.

     But Jason reasoned that he was doing things  a Ranger had previously done.  He had filed a grievance asking to be promoted.  Because he was not performing all the duties usually expected of a Ranger and since he was technically not qualified to be a Ranger, having failed  the civil service exam for the job, the grievance was denied.  He filed another grievance, pointing out that an unfilled vacancy existed .  If the Department could not fill the job but was still arranging for some of the duties to be performed, the person performing the duties should at least be temporarily paid at the Ranger level.  In a mediated settlement to this grievance the Park agreed to pay Jason at the higher level until such time as the Ranger job could be filled.   Part of the agreement was that Jason would have no law enforcement  powers and would not wear a Ranger uniform. 

     The cellphone was now in Jason’s hand.  Just holding it brought back memories of sitting with Janelle at the tavern.  The reflections from the revolving disco ball over the bar created changing sparkles in her hair and gave her an angelic appearance.  Jason was always so cool and impressive at those times.  And funny.  Janelle would laugh at his remarks even  when he wasn’t trying to be funny.  He must be a natural. 

     And she had helped him prepare for the Ranger examination by tossing out questions about hypothetical park occurrences and daring him to react properly.  She had always seemed to take great delight in his original answers.  But Jason had mistaken being funny with being correct.  He thought if he could entertain the examiners as he was entertaining Janelle, he would receive a high grade on the oral exam.  It didn’t work out that way

     She shouldn’t leave the truck unlocked, he thought.  I’d better take custody of the phone and hold it for safe keeping.  But how to let her know I have it?  I’d leave a note but I have no pencil or paper.

     He decided to just wait here for her.  He hadn’t had the chance to talk with Janelle since her wedding.  If, by chance, she had discovered Hank Stauffer was not the catch she had expected she might need to vent a little.  It would be good for him to be here if he was needed.

    But wait! What if it wasn’t Janelle who had driven the truck here?  Even if she and Hank were here together, it wouldn’t be the friendly reunion he had pictured.

     He looked around.  A big pine stood at the edge of the clearing.  Lots of lower branches had broken off leaving stubs ideal for climbing up into the thicker foliage.  He decided to climb the tree and wait. If Janelle returned alone he’d climb down and be the hero for protecting her phone.  If it was Hank, or Hank and Janelle together, he’d wait until they drove off.  He’d look Janelle up later to return the phone.
     He had to wade through some brambles to reach the tree trunk, and the limb stubs were not exactly smooth ladder rungs.  But soon he found a high hidden branch, smooth enough to sit on comfortably leaning against the trunk. 

     He looked down.  He had a good view of the truck.  Uh oh!  He had left the tiger striped cellphone sitting on the truck’s hood.  His own car was parked only  a short distance away.  If Hank returned, with or without Janelle, that wouldn’t do.  The whole plan required that he present the phone to Janelle when they were alone.

     He climbed down, reversed his steps, put the phone carefully in his pocket, moved his car to a more secluded spot, and climbed the tree again.  He had ripped his clothes, scratched his face, and he was tired.  Being a temporary sort of Park Ranger was hard work.  It was after quitting time.  He could put in for overtime.  He sat back to wait.

     He was tired, but alert. Patience was one of his strengths.  He was glad he had limited himself to two beers at lunch from the six pack in his car trunk.  Sitting on the branch reminded him of the nature lore he passed on to children who visited the park.  Yes, bears sleep in trees.  So do possums, raccoons, and birds.  Why don’t they fall out?  Just like humans, they aren’t unconscious while asleep.  They still are aware of their surroundings.  Their sense of balance still protects them from falling.
     Damn!  Why did he think of that beer?  Now he wished he’d brought a can along from the car.  Or two. 

     Jason was having a pleasant dream.  The lilting tune Music Box Dancer  played in his head.  He had the soothing feeling of falling.  He laughed to himself.  He knew it was a dream and he remembered that crazy superstition that if you didn’t wake up from such a dream the fall could kill you.
     A second later he landed with a thump.  It didn’t kill him.  The thicket of brambles broke his fall but inflicted some more rips and scratches. 

      He lay supine under the tree, slowly regaining his senses.  It was dark.  Stars shone through the boughs of the big pine tree. 

     The Music Box Dancer still played in his head.  No, not exactly in his head.  More like in his pocket.  It was the cell phone ringing. 

     He dug the phone out of his pocket with the hand that was not entangled in brambles.  He looked at the glowing screen but had no idea how to answer the thing. 

     “What do I do now?” he said to himself.  “There are so many buttons.  Which one should I press?” 

He must have been speaking aloud because Janelle’s voice seemed to be guiding him sweetly and gently. 

     “Don’t press anything you idiot!   Just talk.  Where are you?  And why did you steal my phone?”

     “I’m lying in a bed of something with lots of thorns, but I’m looking at a beautiful starry sky and listening to the voice of an angel.  And your phone isn’t stolen. I’m guarding it for you.”

     “Well, I’ve reported it to the police.  Now that you’ve answered it, they can track it by gps”

     “Can’t you call them off somehow?”

     He heard Janelle speaking to someone in the background, apologizing for a mistake.  The phone went dead. 

     A few minutes later The Music Box Dancer began to play again.   “Okay, they’re gone.  Don’t worry, I didn’t mention your name but they’ve probably pinpointed your location by now.  They might still come around to check.  You’re still at the place where you found the phone, aren’t you?”

     “Pretty close.”

     “Good, I was afraid you might be at the tavern with some stupid idea that I’d show up there.”

     “I could still get there.”

     “What part of ‘stupid’ didn’t you understand?”

     “Sorry, I’m still a little disoriented.”

     “Look, do this.  Go unlock the park restroom.”

     “It’s already unlocked.  I didn’t lock it at the end of the day.”

     “No, it’s locked.  You never unlocked it this morning like you were supposed to.   When Hank and I got back from our hike I needed it pretty bad.   I was furious when I found it locked.  But I didn’t tell Hank.   Just put the phone in the restroom and I’ll tell Hank I left it there by mistake.”

     “I can bring it to you.”

     “No.  Believe me, Jason.  You don’t want Hank to know what you did.”

     “You’re a fast thinker, Janelle.  You’d make a good Park Ranger.”

     “That idea’s about to come true.  I got a call today. Your manager got approval to fill the vacant Ranger job, and he chose me.”

     “But how did….”

     “All that work I did helping you practice for the Ranger test.  Some of it must have rubbed off.  I passed the test with a pretty good score.”

     “I’m happy for you, Janelle.  But just one thing.”


     “You shouldn’t leave your cell phone in an unlocked truck.”

     Janelle’s answer was lost as the cell phone battery died.

                                               THE END

And Finally...

We are always looking for articles and short stories to publish, as well as suggestions for the newsletter.  Please send any ideas, stories, etc. to Colleen.  We'd love to see any contributions you'd like to make to The Scribblers.

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please email Colleen with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject line and we will remove you from our mailing list.

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